Our Team

Meet the Team

  • Jimmy McGill


    Jimmy McGill is the Executive Director of Next Step Recovery Housing. He served as the Director of Peer and Recovery Services for the state of Arkansas from 2018 to 2023, where his lived experience has allowed him to lead the development of recovery services throughout Arkansas. Jimmy is a founding member of the SAMHSA Region 6 Peer Support Advisory Committee, an executive board member of the National Peer Recovery Alliance, and the Chairman of the National Association of Reentry Professionals.

    Overcoming a lifetime of incarceration and twenty-three years of addiction, author and speaker Jimmy McGill has found his purpose. His childhood was marked by trauma, but what should have destroyed him is now being used to transform reentry and recovery across the country.

    Email Jimmy

  • Chelsea McGill


    Chelsea is the Founder of Next Step Recovery Housing, A nonprofit foundation that helps men find and sustain long-term recovery from substance use disorder. Chelsea has worked in Mental Health and Substance use since 2017. She graduated from the University of Arkansas with a bachelor's degree in psychology.

  • Chrissy Phillips, Assistant Director

    In February 2024, Chrissy Phillips celebrated 12 years in long-term recovery from a two-decade battle with methamphetamine addiction and alcoholism. As a dedicated single mother of two, she values her journey of overcoming challenges and rediscovering the joys of motherhood. Following her divorce in 2019, Chrissy returned to college, graduating with honors with a BS in Psychology: Christian Counseling from Liberty University. Now serving as Assistant Director at NSRH, she is pursuing a Master of Social Work: Trauma-Informed Practice at Walden University, driven by a heartfelt desire to become an LCSW. She has also served as a Peer-In-Training for NSRH. Chrissy's path, guided by divine intervention and faith in God, reflects a profound transformation from despair to a steadfast commitment to helping others. There is no doubt in her mind that God led her to Clarksville to help others “for such a time as this.” You can email her at chrissy@nextsteprecoveryhousing.org